License Terms


Our products, whether modified or not, and all intellectual property and copyright contained therein, are and shall at all times remain Thrive Nutrition Studio sole and exclusive property. You agree that under no circumstances, whether the product has been modified or not, shall you have or attempt to claim original ownership of any intellectual property rights or copyright in the product.

Ownership and Restrictions:

  • Guides and Ebooks (PLR: Private Label Rights): Guides and ebooks are designated as "Private Label Rights" (PLR). Purchasers of PLR materials are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to modify, adapt, rebrand, and resell the PLR content as their own. However, purchasers may not claim original ownership of the PLR content. The end product may not be in editable format and has to be distributed in PDF or PNG format only.
  • All Other Materials: All other materials, including but not limited to templates (intake forms, social media templates, email marketing templates, etc.), remain the sole property of Thrive Nutrition Studio. These materials are not to be resold, redistributed, or claimed as the purchaser's own work. Purchasers of templates and non-PLR materials may use these materials for their own personal or business purposes.

    Prohibited Actions:

    • Resale or Distribution of Non-PLR Materials: Reselling, redistributing, sub-licensing, or otherwise transferring non-PLR materials to any third party is strictly prohibited.
    • Claim of Ownership: Claiming original ownership of any Thrive Nutrition Studio materials, including PLR materials, is strictly prohibited.
    • Use of Thrive Nutrition Studio Branding: Using Thrive Nutrition Studio's logo, descriptions, pictures or any other branded materials in association with any materials, including PLR materials, without express written permission is strictly prohibited and will be claimed as Copyright.




    The licensed asset can appear in non-commercial project.

    Can be used for:

    • End Products Not For Sale
    • One personal social media account with non-commercial activities

    Cannot be used for:

    • End products for sale
    • Business social media accounts
    • Physical or digital paid advertisements
    • Native apps, web apps, or games


    The licensed asset can appear in up to 5,000 end products for sale

    Can be used for:

    • Up to 5,000 physical or digital end products for sale. PDF Format.
    • One business social media account owned and managed by the licensee
    • Unlimited physical advertisements for local markets
    • Digital paid advertisements with unlimited impressions
    • Broadcast and streaming for up to 500,000 lifetime viewers

    Cannot be used for:

    • Native apps, web apps, or games
    • Cannot be sold as a editable template format. Final format must be in a PNG, PDF or JPEG format and cannot be editable in any way when resold.
    • The original template must be edited in some way and cannot be an exact replica of the original product.

    Extended Commercial

    The licensed asset can appear in up to 250,000 end products for sale

    Can be used for:

    • Up to 250,000 physical or digital end products for sale
    • Unlimited business social media accounts owned and managed by the licensee
    • Unlimited physical advertisements for local, national, and global markets
    • Digital paid advertisements with unlimited impressions
    • Broadcast and streaming for unlimited lifetime viewers
    • One native app, web app, or game downloaded or sold up to 250,000 times

    Cannot be used for:

    • Cannot be sold as a editable template format. Final format must be in a PNG, PDF or JPEG format and cannot be editable in any way.
    • The original template must be edited in some way and cannot be an exact replica of the original product.


    •  Non-commercial, personal use is allowed under all three license types.
    •  Commercial purposes allowed only under the “Commercial” and “Extended Commercial” licenses
    •  Resell or sub-license the Licensed Asset ‘as is’ being in editable form.
    •  Share the licensed Asset in any way that will allow others to download, extract, or redistribute it.
    •  Use the Licensed Asset in fraudulent, pornographic, immoral, infringing, illegal, harassing, offensive, or defamatory material
    •  Claim false ownership / authorship of the Licensed Asset
    •  Resale or Sub-Licensing of the Licensed Asset or any modification of it in a way that is directly competitive with the original Licensed Asset is strictly prohibited (e.g., as a stock asset or editable template).
    •  You are not permitted to create digital, editable templates for sale (eg: Canva templates) from these assets.



      What is an End Product?

      An End Product is a product you will create from the asset(s) you purchased from Thrive Nutrition Studio.

      What is a Licensed Asset?

      A Licensed Asset is a product you purchased from Thrive Nutrition Studio.

      Personal and commercial use, what’s the difference?

      Commercial Use is any use:

      • that involves an exchange of money
      • that promotes a business, product, or service
      • where the Licensee’s intended use of the Licensed Asset is financial gain, directly or indirectly

      If one or more of the above is true, the use is “Commercial.” Personal use is a use that is only for personal purposes. 

         If you have any questions or enquiries please reach out to